Golf Courses in Asheville, NC
Yardage, Course Rating, and Slope are from the back tees.
226 Fairway Dr, Asheville, NC 28805, (828)298-1867, Municipal, 18 hole, 6356 yds, Par 72, CR-69.9, S-121
31 Stuyvesant Rd, Asheville, NC 28803, (828)274-1261, Private, 18 hole, 6606 yds, Par 72, CR-72.2, S-135
170 Windsor Rd, Asheville, NC 28804, (828)258-9762, Private, 18 hole, 6638 yds, Par 72, CR-71.4, S-120
1 Holiday Inn Dr, Asheville, NC 28806, (828)253-5874, Public Resort, 18 hole, 5600 yds, Par 70, CR-69.5, S-118
1 Resort Dr, Asheville, NC 28806, (800) 733-3211, holes
Crowne 2 Golf Course
Public, 9 hole, yds, Par , CR-N/A, S-N/A
290 Macon Ave, Country Club Pro Shop, Asheville, NC 28804, (828)252-2711, Public Resort, 18 hole, 6600 yds, Par 70, CR-71.5, S-128